Month: October 2020

  • Make a dream “Whole Home Air Purifier” from an HVAC System?

    Make a dream “Whole Home Air Purifier” from an HVAC System?

    Indoor air pollution is 1.5 to 3.5 times higher than outdoor pollution and in developed countries, we spend 90% of our time inside buildings. This is partly at work but also in our homes where we already have an air treatment system, an HVAC system. These systems are used to condition the temperature of the…

  • The Best HVAC Filter?-Time to Change Your Filter Technology

    The Best HVAC Filter?-Time to Change Your Filter Technology

    Most people spend approximately 90% of their time inside, either at home or work. This is a problem as air pollution is usually much higher in indoor air than it is outdoors, and the health effects of air pollution are becoming more obvious. Consequently indoor air quality is becoming more of a concern, and so…

  • Can I Use Essential Oils in an Air Purifier?

    Can I Use Essential Oils in an Air Purifier?

    Essential oils come from aromatic plants. Their scent makes the indoor air smell great and makes you feel better. Rosemary oil, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil and peppermint oils are all favourite essential oils. However, they are a mixture of organic chemicals-terpenes and phenylpropanoid compounds. These are disused end products of metabolism, which are produced…

  • How Long do Air Purifier Filters Last?-Some as Long as 50 months!

    How Long do Air Purifier Filters Last?-Some as Long as 50 months!

    With air pollution now causing 13% of deaths in the USA, the use of air purification is becoming more common. Unfortunately, air purifiers do need some basic maintenance to make sure that they keep indoor air quality high. The particulate filter, the HEPA air filter, which traps tiny particles becomes blocked with particles and needs…

  • UV Light in Air Purifiers-Huge Added Health Benefit?

    UV Light in Air Purifiers-Huge Added Health Benefit?

    We are all becoming increasingly aware of indoor air quality. Most of us spend almost 90% of our time indoors either at home or at work and the health effects of air pollution are becoming more obvious. Understandably the use of ultraviolet (UV) light to destroy viruses has led to the development of many UV…

  • The Best Air Purifier For Viruses-5 Machines Stand Out!

    The Best Air Purifier For Viruses-5 Machines Stand Out!

    The recent COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how vulnerable the world is to a virus. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, the death toll in the US is higher than that during the 1918 flu pandemic. However, we now have air purification with HEPA filtration which was developed in the 1940s. There is little doubt that this…

  • Do indoor plants purify the air effectively? -new science settles the issue

    Do indoor plants purify the air effectively? -new science settles the issue

    Everybody likes the idea of using indoor plants for indoor air cleaning. It seems a natural solution to the problems with pollution we face. But do they really work? If they do really work, is it to such an extent that you should buy some? If so, which plants should you buy? There are some…