Air Purifier and Dehumidifier-don’t buy a combo
It is a really great idea to consider purifying your air and also at some times of the year using a dehumidifier. So should you combine an air purifier and dehumidifier? What if combining the two was to lead to a tradeoff of particle reduction versus the removal of water vapor? Which is the most…
How Many Drops of Essential Oil to Add to a Diffuser? Health Considerations
How much essential oil to put into a diffuser? As a general rule starting with 3 drops per 100 ml water is usually about right for an ultrasonic or nebulizing diffuser. For an evaporative diffuser or heat diffuser start with 1 drop per 10ml of carrier oil. You may wish to increase the dose but…
Whole House Dehumidifier-9 Important Factors
Whole house humidifier-humidity causing the growth of mold on a wall